Presented well, professional
approach with dedication.

Presented well, professional
approach with dedication.
Initiatives that ensure struggling families
can also afford to get the same opportunities
Our free ID session is our 1st Philanthropic Endeavour
That gives you a free pathway identification session
Struggling families to provide the junior pro pathway
dream via our free talent identification process for:
5-16 yr olds that identifies to see who:
1) Is ready for a Euro JNR Pro Pathway Assessment
2) Needs to train for a JNR Euro Pro Pathways Assessment
At ID Completion all candidates train until they go:
Only paying for: 1 Pathway session - per week
While we pay for: 3 Pathway sessions - per week
All 17 - 20 + yr old do our Euro Pathway via our:
Annual Pro Mens Senegal Tournament - Euro Pathway
Our subsidies are our 2nd Philanthropic Endeavour that
Gives you 3 free sessions for your 1 paid sessions per week
Families that have completed our free id session also
continue to do our pro pathway preparation for
5-16 yr olds that have been identified as:
1. Improving for a Euro JNR Pro Pathway Assessment
2. Training till our JNR Euro Pro Pathways Assessment
Our free price subsidies let all candidates continue by:
Only paying for: 1 Pathway session - per week
While we pay for: 3 Pathway sessions - per week
All 17 - 20 + yr olds do our Euro Pathway via our:
Annual Pro Mens Senegal Tournament - Euro Pathway
Our Group Prices are our 3rd Philanthropic Endeavour:
That give groups 3 free sessions for 1 paid session per week
Struggling families that can’t afford our subsidised prices
get a further discount to also continue our pro pathway
5-16 yr olds that have been identified as:
1. Improving for a Euro JNR Pro Pathway Assessment
2. Training till our JNR Euro Pro Pathways Assessment
Our Group prices help all to continue the process by:
Paying as a group for: 1 Pathway session - per week
While we pay for: 3 Pathway sessions - per week
All 17 - 20 + yr olds do our Euro Pathway via our:
Annual Pro Mens Senegal Tournament - Euro Pathway
Our Kid Scholarships are our 4th Philanthropic Endeavour
That lets you help your kids 4 times per week for free
Can’t afford even our subsidies or our group packages
get teens scholarships and free pro pathway completion for
5-11 yr olds that have been identified as:
Improving for a Euro JNR Pro Pathway Assessment
Training till our JNR Euro Pro Pathways Assessment
Our Kids Scholarships help those on it continue ensuring:
We assist you get - Our pathway - 4 times a week free
You pay nothing for - Our Pathway - 4 times a week free
All 17 - 20 + yr old Pathway Scholarships run via our:
Annual Pro Mens Senegal Tournament - Euro Pathway
Our Teens Scholarships are our 5th Philanthropic Endeavour
That lets you do our pro pathway 4 times per week for free
Who can’t afford even our subsidies or our group packages
get teens scholarships and free pro pathway completion for
12-16 yr olds that have been identified as:
Improving for a Euro JNR Pro Pathway Assessment
Training till our JNR Euro Pro Pathways Assessment
Our Teens Scholarships help those on it continue ensuring:
We assist you get - Our pathway - 4 times a week free
You pay nothing for - Our Pathway - 4 times a week free
All 17 - 20 + yr old Pathway Scholarships run via our:
Annual Pro Mens Senegal Tournament - Euro Pathway
In your area
All our Helping Kids & Families Initiatives
that made it affordable for struggling families
to also use all level of sport
To help build the confidence of their
5 - 17+ YR OLDS using sports
How to help struggling families by making it also
affordable for all their 5 - 17 yr olds to partake in all
levels of sorts regardless of ability
This created the current Olympiacos Melbourne
Kids & families initiatives and Philanthropic Endeavours
From struggling families who could not even:
Afford club registration let alone extra
training or elite pathway programs get access
To all levels of sports to improve their confidence