5 Philanthropic Endeavours for each Helping Kids and Families Initiative.
Train 4 times a week for only $49 per week.
Book your free session at https://olympiacos-making-kids-pro-dreams-affordable.com.au/book-now/
5 Philanthropic Endeavours for each Helping Kids and Families Initiative.
Train 4 times a week for only $49 per week.
Book your free session at https://olympiacos-making-kids-pro-dreams-affordable.com.au/book-now/
Initiatives that ensure struggling families
can also afford to get the same opportunities
Our free ID session is our 1st Philanthropic Endeavour
That gives you a free pathway identification session
Struggling families to provide the junior pro pathway
dream via our free talent identification process for:
5-16 yr olds that identifies to see who:
1) Is ready for a Euro JNR Pro Pathway Assessment
2) Needs to train for a JNR Euro Pro Pathways Assessment
At ID Completion all candidates train until they go:
Only paying for: 1 Pathway session - per week
While we pay for: 3 Pathway sessions - per week
All 17 - 20 + yr old do our Euro Pathway via our:
Annual Pro Mens Senegal Tournament - Euro Pathway
Our subsidies are our 2nd Philanthropic Endeavour that
Gives you 3 free sessions for your 1 paid sessions per week
Families that have completed our free id session also
continue to do our pro pathway preparation for
5-16 yr olds that have been identified as:
1. Improving for a Euro JNR Pro Pathway Assessment
2. Training till our JNR Euro Pro Pathways Assessment
Our free price subsidies let all candidates continue by:
Only paying for: 1 Pathway session - per week
While we pay for: 3 Pathway sessions - per week
All 17 - 20 + yr olds do our Euro Pathway via our:
Annual Pro Mens Senegal Tournament - Euro Pathway
Our Group Prices are our 3rd Philanthropic Endeavour:
That give groups 3 free sessions for 1 paid session per week
Struggling families that can’t afford our subsidised prices
get a further discount to also continue our pro pathway
5-16 yr olds that have been identified as:
1. Improving for a Euro JNR Pro Pathway Assessment
2. Training till our JNR Euro Pro Pathways Assessment
Our Group prices help all to continue the process by:
Paying as a group for: 1 Pathway session - per week
While we pay for: 3 Pathway sessions - per week
All 17 - 20 + yr olds do our Euro Pathway via our:
Annual Pro Mens Senegal Tournament - Euro Pathway
Our Kid Scholarships are our 4th Philanthropic Endeavour
That lets you help your kids 4 times per week for free
Can’t afford even our subsidies or our group packages
get teens scholarships and free pro pathway completion for
5-11 yr olds that have been identified as:
Improving for a Euro JNR Pro Pathway Assessment
Training till our JNR Euro Pro Pathways Assessment
Our Kids Scholarships help those on it continue ensuring:
We assist you get - Our pathway - 4 times a week free
You pay nothing for - Our Pathway - 4 times a week free
All 17 - 20 + yr old Pathway Scholarships run via our:
Annual Pro Mens Senegal Tournament - Euro Pathway
Our Teens Scholarships are our 5th Philanthropic Endeavour
That lets you do our pro pathway 4 times per week for free
Who can’t afford even our subsidies or our group packages
get teens scholarships and free pro pathway completion for
12-16 yr olds that have been identified as:
Improving for a Euro JNR Pro Pathway Assessment
Training till our JNR Euro Pro Pathways Assessment
Our Teens Scholarships help those on it continue ensuring:
We assist you get - Our pathway - 4 times a week free
You pay nothing for - Our Pathway - 4 times a week free
All 17 - 20 + yr old Pathway Scholarships run via our:
Annual Pro Mens Senegal Tournament - Euro Pathway
In your area
All our Helping Kids & Families Initiatives
that made it affordable for struggling families
to also use all level of sport
To help build the confidence of their
5 - 17+ YR OLDS using sports
How to help struggling families by making it also
affordable for all their 5 - 17 yr olds to partake in all
levels of sorts regardless of ability
This created the current Olympiacos Melbourne
Kids & families initiatives and Philanthropic Endeavours
From struggling families who could not even:
Afford club registration let alone extra
training or elite pathway programs get access
To all levels of sports to improve their confidence